11.11.14 - The new WENZEL App updates you with news from our company. All postings, images and information about events can now also be looked up via the new WENZEL App on your smart phone or tablet.

07.11.14 - Wenzel is a leading provider of complete solutions for the whole design process. For milling of extremely fine surfaces out of clay or rigid foam models Wenzel presents at EuroMold 2014 in Frankfurt the new Excalibur 2-Axis CNC


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05.11.14 - Die Studenten Nils Caspar und Simon Huber haben kürzlich einen Preis der bbv Software Services AG für ihre herausragende Bachelorarbeit an der Hochschule für Technik


28.10.14 - The deadline for the big WENZEL photo contest was on September 30, 2014. However, the review process is still running until October 31st 2014 at 12.00.

This content is only available in German

06.10.14 - Graubünden bietet zurzeit Sonne satt und lädt zum Verweilen ein. Genauso sonnig wie das Wetter in den Bündner Bergen derzeit ist, sind auch unsere Preise im goldenen


29.09.14 - You can still take part in the first major WENZEL photo contest until September 30th 2014. Use the time and secure your chances to win.

05.09.14 - PRODEX 2014 – All the innovative ability and variety of Switzerland as a manufacturing location concentrated in one place

This content is only available in German

09.09.14 - Die AUKOM Ausbildung hat sich mittlerweile zum globalen Ausbildungsstandard in der Koordinatenmesstechnik gemausert.

29.08.14 - Important information about quality parameters and tooth flank modification are displayed on the new overview from WENZEL.

19.08.14 - Flexible Gear Metrology for Individual and Precise Manufacturing.